Demo: "Would ye' lookit dat! I wonder if dere will be more of us."
Soldier: "What?! Another-?! Is that... our Heavy? GOOD GOD! LET'S GET HIM OUT!"
It wasn't clear what these two were arguing about, but it ended with the intoxicated demoman falling over, pushing the soldier off the nightstand.
Demo: "I wouldn't be doin' dis if I was sure of what I was doin', but I done down a coupla' whiskey bottles and I'm ready to do what I was doin'."
Demo: "Oh, me mudder'- Looky at wot aye found! NESSEH'! Ain't she big an' ugleh'? An'... hairy? Oooh, she's sae soft... Ye' can jes'...zzzZZZ."
Soldier: "...On this ledge! We have a great view of the parameter! I'll just dump this junk over the edge."
Pyro: "Mmph?!"
Demo: "Aye, but... what is dis place? It looks like a rewm. A wee lad's rewm. A fifty foot wee laddie! Goh!"
Soldier: "THIS IS MY SPOT! You come within miles from it and I'll make sure a rocket is shoved down your throat!"
Soldier: "If you don't let go so I can beat you up, I'll rip my forearm off so I can properly proceed to smack you with this shovel!"